Warm greetings, we’re René.

Sharing a bold vision of transforming the world through sustainability with a touch of fun, René was born. Our journey began in 2024 at Monash’s fast-track program, where a diverse team united with a common goal—creating a brand that blends beauty, sleep, and sustainability seamlessly.

After listening closely to consumer needs and conducting on-the-ground research, we discovered a demand for bedding that not only provides comfort but also addresses skin concerns. That’s when René was reborn, ready to revolutionize the sleep industry. Our mission was clear: to create products that stand out for their sustainability and their genuine ability to improve lives.

With continuous refinement, customer feedback, and a passion for excellence, our pillowcases quickly became favorites. Each one is crafted from banana fabric—soft, breathable, hypoallergenic, and eco-friendly. It’s like a gentle hug for your skin, while also contributing to a healthier planet.

René is dedicated to closing the circular economy loop while giving those with skin concerns a reason to smile. We want you to rest easy, knowing you’re wrapped in eco-friendly goodness, and wake up feeling refreshed, confident, and ready to take on the world.

Our journey reflects the power of pivoting, perseverance, and passion. Join us on this exciting adventure, where every choice we make is aimed at making the world a little better, one sustainable decision at a time.

With love,

Angeline, Kezia, Michelle and Onkar

Message From Angeline

When I was a teenager, my sensitive skin caused me to receive hurtful comments. My face was often covered in painful pimples, and the constant hurtful comments from others affected my self-esteem. This struggle with acne was more than skin-deep; it affected my confidence, my social interactions, and even my sleep. I remember that each night, I worried that my pillow would affect my already inflamed skin.

These experiences left a lasting mark on me, shaping my understanding of the challenges faced by those with sensitive skin. Today, as the founder of our company, we are dedicated to offer products that cater specifically to sensitive skin. We understand the unique needs and struggles because we've lived them.

- Angeline